
Showing posts from May, 2019

Three Common Types of Sprinkler Problems in Phoenix

Sprinkler systems can fail in any of a variety of ways that leave lawns and plants without the water they need. That is especially problematic in Phoenix, where annual rainfall totals average a couple of inches and temperatures frequently climb into the triple digits. Experts at sprinkler repair in Phoenix, however, can solve any sort of problem that might conceivably crop up. A quick look at the kinds of issues that most commonly arise will reveal that all of them can be addressed effectively. Sprinkler Systems Fail for a Variety of Reasons The sprinkler systems found in so many area homes are designed to provide highly reliable service. As they all consist of a number of different types of components, though, problems can never be ruled out entirely. Some of the issues that Phoenix sprinkler repair experts are most often asked to address are: Clogs. The average sprinkler system will include dozens of feet of plumbing, most of which will normally be hidden below ground, out o...